


VOL. 175 NO 1, 2000

Isabel C. Escobar, Seungkwan Hong, Andrew A. Randall. Removal of assimilable organic carbon and biodegradable dissolved organic carbon by reverse osmosis and nanofiltration membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (1) 1–17.

Shigeo Goto, Suttichai Assabumrungrat, Tomohiko Tagawa, Piyasan Praserthdam. The effect of direction of hydrogen permeation on the rate through a composite palladium membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (1) 19–24.

Atsunori Hiratsuka, Hitoshi Muguruma, Ryohei Nagata, Runa Nakamura, Kimiharu Sato, Shigeru Uchiyama, I. Karube. Mass transport behavior of electrochemical species through plasma-polymerized thin film on platinum electrode. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (1) 25–34.

Akira Ito. Dehumidification of air by a hygroscopic liquid membrane supported on surface of a hydrophobic microporous membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (1) 35–42.

Juana Benavente, Jose M. García, Robert Riley, Angel E. Lozano, Javier de Abajo. Sulfonated poly(ether ether sulfones). Characterization and study of dielectrical properties by impedance spectroscopy. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (1) 43–52.

Guang Yang, Lina Zhang, Tao Peng, Wei Zhong. Effects of Ca2+ bridge cross-linking on structure and pervaporation of cellulose/alginate blend membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (1) 53–60.

Anna R. Roudman, Francis A. DiGiano. Surface energy of experimental and commercial nanofiltration membranes: effects of wetting and natural organic matter fouling. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (1) 61–73.

Raja Ghosh, Zhanfeng Cui. Analysis of protein transport and polarization through membranes using pulsed sample injection technique. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (1) 75–84.

Roger C., Jr. Viadero, David A. Masciola, Brian E. Reed, Ronald L., Jr. Vaughan. Two-phase limiting flux in high-shear rotary ultrafiltration of oil-in-water emulsions. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (1) 85–96.

Vural Evren. A numerical approach to the determination of mass transfer performances through partially wetted microporous membranes: transfer of oxygen to water. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (1) 97–110.

J. Randon, F. Garnier, J.L. Rocca, B. Maïsterrena. Optimization of the enantiomeric separation of tryptophan analogs by membrane processes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (1) 111–117.

M. Mondor, C. Moresoli. Experimental verification of the shear-induced hydrodynamic diffusion model of crossflow microfiltration, with consideration of the transmembrane pressure axial variation. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (1) 119–137.

Z. Ujang, A. Hazri. Overall mass transfer coefficient for the removal of water from an enzyme-immobilized hollow fiber reactor. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (1) 139–144.


VOL. 175 NO 2, 2000

N. Mugnier, J.A. Howell, M. Ruf. Optimisation of a back-flush sequence for zeolite microfiltration. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (2) 149–161.

Woo-Ik Sohn, Dong-Hyun Ryu, Sae-Joong Oh, Ja-Kyung Koo. A study on the development of composite membranes for the separation of organic vapors. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (2) 163–170.

Kaoru Onuki, Gab-Jin Hwang, Saburo Shimizu. Electrodialysis of hydriodic acid in the presence of iodine. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (2) 171–179.

William J. Koros, Rajiv Mahajan. Pushing the limits on possibilities for large scale gas separation: which strategies? Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (2) 181–196.

Jian-Jun Qin, Rong Wang, Tai-Shung Chung. Investigation of shear stress effect within a spinneret on flux, separation and thermomechanical properties of hollow fiber ultrafiltration membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (2) 197–213.

Koji Kuraoka, Ryuta Amakawa, Koji Matsumoto, Tetsuo Yazawa. Preparation of molecular-sieving glass hollow fiber membranes based on phase separation. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (2) 215–223.

Paul M. Atkinson, Douglas R. Lloyd. Anisotropic flat sheet membrane formation via TIPS: atmospheric convection and polymer molecular weight effects. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (2) 225–238.

A. Frank, G.G. Lipscomb, M. Dennis. Visualization of concentration fields in hemodialyzers by computed tomography. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (2) 239–251.

Z. Mogri, D.R. Paul. Membrane formation techniques for gas permeation measurements for side-chain crystalline polymers. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (2) 253–265.

A. Ould-Dris, M.Y. Jaffrin, D. Si-Hassen, Y. Neggaz. Analysis of cake build-up and removal in cross-flow microfiltration of CaCO3 suspensions under varying conditions. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (2) 267–283.

Birgül Tantekin-Ersolmaz, Çidem Atalay-Oral, Melkon Tatlier, Aye Erdem-enatalar, Brian Schoeman, Johan Sterte. Effect of zeolite particle size on the performance of polymer-zeolite mixed matrix membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 175 (2) 285–288.


VOL. 176 NO 1, 2000

Diane A. Bailey, Christopher D. Jones, Andrew R. Barron, Mark R. Wiesner. Characterization of alumoxane-derived ceramic membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 1–9.

Jongok Won, Hyuck Jai Lee, Yong Soo Kang. The effect of dope solution characteristics on the membrane morphology and gas transport properties: 2. PES/g-BL system. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 11–19.

Yuichi Hirata, Yutaka Miura, Satoshi Tanaka, Tsutomu Nakagawa. Synthesis and hydration properties of copolymers having sugar side chains and their oxygen permeability in the wet state. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 21–30.

Chao Zhu, Guangliang Liu. Modeling of ultrasonic enhancement on membrane distillation. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 31–41.

Catherine L. Flanders, Vu A. Tuan, Richard D. Noble, John L. Falconer. Separation of C6 isomers by vapor permeation and pervaporation through ZSM-5 membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 43–53.

Greg Foley, José Garcia. Ultrafiltration flux theory based on viscosity and osmotic effects: application to diafiltration optimisation. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 55–61.

P. Aerts, E. Van Hoof, R. Leysen, I.F.J. Vankelecom, P.A. Jacobs. Polysulfone-Aerosil composite membranes. Part 1. The influence of the addition of Aerosil on the formation process and membrane morphology. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 63–73.

Huanting Wang, George R. Gavalas. Mesoporous glass films supported on a-Al2O3. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 75–85.

Aurelia Amanda, Ames Kulprathipanja, Merethe Toennesen, Surya K. Mallapragada. Semicrystalline poly(vinyl alcohol) ultrafiltration membranes for bioseparations. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 87–95.

H.A. Tsai, L.D. Li, K.R. Lee, Y.C. Wang, C.L. Li, J. Huang, J.Y. Lai. Effect of surfactant addition on the morphology and pervaporation performance of asymmetric polysulfone membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 97–103.

Lijuan Wang, Rohani Paimin, Robert W. Cattrall, Wei Shen, Spas D. Kolev. The extraction of cadmium(II) and copper(II) from hydrochloric acid solutions using an Aliquat 336/PVC membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 105–111.

Harit K. Vyas, A.J. Mawson, R.J. Bennett, A.D. Marshall. A new method for estimating cake height and porosity during crossflow filtration of particulate suspensions. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 113–119.

Chang-Soo Jun, Kew-Ho Lee. Palladium and palladium alloy composite membranes prepared by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition method (cold-wall). Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 121–130.

Soney C. George, K.N. Ninan, Sabu Thomas. Pervaporation separation of chlorinated hydrocarbon and acetone mixtures with crosslinked styrene-butadiene rubber and natural rubber blend membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 131–142.


VOL. 176 NO 2, 2000

Dongliang Wang, K. Li, W.K. Teo. Highly permeable polyethersulfone hollow fiber gas separation membranes prepared using water as non-solvent additive. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 147–158.

Shih-Yuan Lu, Chung-Ping Chiu, Hsiang-Yuan Huang. Pervaporation of acetic acid/water mixtures through silicalite filled polydimethylsiloxane membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 159–167.

Mohamed Amounas, Christophe Innocent, Serge Cosnier, Patrick Seta. A membrane based reactor with an enzyme immobilized by an avidin-biotin molecular recognition in a polymer matrix. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 169–176.

Chan Ching Yuen, Aatmeeyata, Santosh K. Gupta, Ajay K. Ray. Multi-objective optimization of membrane separation modules using genetic algorithm. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 177–196.

Xianshe Feng, John Ivory. Development of hollow fiber membrane systems for nitrogen generation from combustion exhaust gas. Part I. Effects of module configurations. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 197–207.

David R. Pesiri, Ron C. Snow, Norman Elliott, Carl Maggiore, Robert C. Dye. The characterization of asymmetric alumina membranes by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 209–221.

R.Y.M. Huang, G.Y. Moon, R. Pal. N-acetylated chitosan membranes for the pervaporation separation of alcohol/toluene mixtures. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 223–231.

Anil K. Prabhu, S. Ted Oyama. Highly hydrogen selective ceramic membranes: application to the transformation of greenhouse gases. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 233–248.

F.J. Alguacil, S. Martínez. Permeation of iron(III) by an immobilised liquid membrane using Cyanex 923 as mobile carrier. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 249–255.

A. Bergen, T.M. Fyles, D.S. Lycon, G.W. Vickers, P. Wild. Flux enhancement in reverse osmosis using centrifugal membrane separation. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 257–266.

T.M. Fyles, D.S. Lycon. Fouling reduction using centrifugal membrane separation. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 267–276.

J.G. Pharoah, N. Djilali, G.W. Vickers. Fluid mechanics and mass transport in centrifugal membrane separation. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 176 (1) 277–289.


VOL. 177 NO 1–2, 2000

Sobha V. Nair, M.S. Sreekala, G. Unnikrishnan, T. Johnson, Sabu Thomas, Gabriel Groeninckx. The role of crosslinking and crystallisation on the transport characteristics of ethylene-propylene rubber membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 177 (1-2) 1–7.

Antonio B. Fuertes. Adsorption-selective carbon membrane for gas separation. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 177 (1-2) 9–16.

R.J. Fisher, J.M. Fenton, J. Iranmahboob. Electro-enzymatic synthesis of lactate using electron transfer chain biomimetic membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 177 (1-2) 17–24.

Huanting Wang, Lixiong Zhang, George R. Gavalas. Preparation of supported carbon membranes from furfuryl alcohol by vapor deposition polymerization. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 177 (1-2) 25–31.

R. Takagi, A. Larbot, L. Cot, M. Nakagaki. Effect of Al2O3 support on electrical properties of TiO2/Al2O3 membrane formed by sol-gel method. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 177 (1-2) 33–40.

H.G. Nowier, N. El-Said, H.F. Aly. Carrier-mediated transport of toxic elements through liquid membranes. Transport of Cd(II) from high salinity chloride medium through supported liquid membrane containing TBP/cyclohexane. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 177 (1-2) 41–47.

Masakazu Yoshikawa, Hiromasa Shimada, Keisuke Tsubouchi, Yoshiko Kondo. Specialty polymeric membranes. 12. Pervaporation of benzene-cyclohexane mixtures through carbon graphite-nylon 6 composite membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 177 (1-2) 49–53.

Shih-Yuan Lu, Ching-Ming Tsai. Membrane microstructure resulting from deposition of polydisperse particles. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 177 (1-2) 55–71.

C.-H. Xing, E. Tardieu, Y. Qian, X.-H. Wen. Ultrafiltration membrane bioreactor for urban wastewater reclamation. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 177 (1-2) 73–82.

A.K. Prabhu, A. Liu, L.G. Lovell, S.T. Oyama. Modeling of the methane reforming reaction in hydrogen selective membrane reactors. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 177 (1-2) 83–95.

Liang Liang, Mingkung Shi, Vish V. Viswanathan, Loni M. Peurrung, James S. Young. Temperature-sensitive polypropylene membranes prepared by plasma polymerization. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 177 (1-2) 97–108.

May-Britt Hägg. Membrane purification of Cl2 gas. II. Permeabilities as function of temperature for Cl2, O2, N2, H2 and HCl in perfluorinated, glass and carbon molecular sieve membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 177 (1-2) 109–128.

Boguslaw Kruczek, Takeshi Matsuura. Limitations of a constant pressure-type testing system in determination of gas transport properties of hydrophilic films. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 177 (1-2) 129–142.

Ho Bum Park, Seong Yong Ha, Young Moo Lee. Percolation behavior of gas permeability in rigid-flexible block copolymer membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 177 (1-2) 143–152.

Guang Yang, Lina Zhang, Yonggang Liu. Structure and microporous formation of cellulose/silk fibroin blend membranes. I. Effect of coagulants. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 177 (1-2) 153–161.

S. Sriram, P.K. Mohapatra, A.K. Pandey, V.K. Manchanda, L.P. Badheka. Facilitated transport of americium(III) from nitric acid media using dimethyldibutyltetradecyl-1,3-malonamide. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 177 (1-2) 163–175.

M. Ouyang, R.J. Muisener, A. Boulares, J.T. Koberstein. UV-ozone induced growth of a SiOx surface layer on a cross-linked polysiloxane film: characterization and gas separation properties. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 177 (1-2) 177–187.

Cheng-Chien Wang, Chuh-Yean Chen, Chao Cheng Huang, Chuh-Yung Chen, Jen-Feng Kuo. Permeation of oxygen/nitrogen in cobalt-chelated copoly(EDTA-MMA-BA) membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 177 (1-2) 189–199.

Olga Bobreshova, Igor Aristov, Piotr Kulintsov, Elizbar Balavadze. Interfacially driven ionic transport in the electromembrane systems under influence of small excess of hydrostatic pressure. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 177 (1-2) 201–206.

Ruey-Shin Juang, Chwei-Huann Chiou. Ultrafiltration rejection of dissolved ions using various weakly basic water-soluble polymers. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 177 (1-2) 207–214.

R.P.W.J. Struis, M. Quintilii, S. Stucki. Feasibility of Li-Nafion hollow fiber membranes in methanol synthesis: mechanical and thermal stability at elevated temperature and pressure. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 177 (1-2) 215–223.

Guimes Rodrigues Filho, Sebastião Francelino da Cruz, Daniel Pasquini, Daniel Alves Cerqueira, Vanessa de Souza Prado, Rosana Maria Nascimento de Assunção. Water flux through cellulose triacetate films produced from heterogeneous acetylation of sugar cane bagasse. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 177 (1-2) 225–231.

Yoshishige Hayashi, Syoichi Yuzaki, Takuya Kawanishi, Nobuaki Shimizu, Toshio Furukawa. An efficient ethanol concentration process by vapor permeation through asymmetric polyimide membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 177 (1-2) 233–239.


VOL. 178 NO 1–2, 2000

P. Aerts, I. Genne, S. Kuypers, R. Leysen, I.F.J. Vankelecom, P.A. Jacobs. Polysulfone-aerosil composite membranes. Part 2. The influence of the addition of aerosil on the skin characteristics and membrane properties. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 178 (1-2) 1–11.

Dongliang Wang, K. Li, W.K. Teo. Porous PVDF asymmetric hollow fiber membranes prepared with the use of small molecular additives. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 178 (1-2) 13–23.

Takaaki Matsufuji, Norikazu Nishiyama, Masahiko Matsukata, Korekazu Ueyama. Separation of butane and xylene isomers with MFI-type zeolitic membrane synthesized by a vapor-phase transport method. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 178 (1-2) 25–34.

Hyuck Jai Lee, Jongok Won, Hyun Chae Park, Hoosung Lee, Yong Soo Kang. Effect of poly(amic acid) imidization on solution characteristics and membrane morphology. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 178 (1-2) 35–41.

H.M. Yeh, K.T. Chen. Improvement of ultrafiltration performance in tubular membranes using a twisted wire-rod assembly. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 178 (1-2) 43–53.

Ingmar H. Huisman, Pedro Prádanos, Antonio Hernández. Electrokinetic characterisation of ultrafiltration membranes by streaming potential, electroviscous effect, and salt retention. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 178 (1-2) 55–64.

A. Andrio, V. Compañ, R.C. Reis-Nunes, M.L. López, E. Riande. Influence of cellulose reinforcers on gas transport through natural rubber. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 178 (1-2) 65–74.

Masakazu Yoshikawa, Takahiro Yoshioka, Junko Fujime, Akira Murakami. Pervaporation separation of MeOH/MTBE through agarose membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 178 (1-2) 75–78.

Ingmar H. Huisman, Pedro Prádanos, José Ignacio Calvo, Antonio Hernández. Electroviscous effects, streaming potential, and zeta potential in polycarbonate track-etched membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 178 (1-2) 79–92.

Deepak Gopalani, S. Kumar, A.S. Jodha, Rita Singh, P.K. Khatri, Ram Gopal. A novel method for production of polyester films-based nuclear track microfilters. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 178 (1-2) 93–98.

Gang Yin, Jan-Christer Janson, Zheng Liu. Characterization of protein adsorption on membrane surface by enzyme linked immunoassay. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 178 (1-2) 99–105.

Shin-ichi Furukawa, Tomoshige Nitta. Non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulation studies on gas permeation across carbon membranes with different pore shape composed of micro-graphite crystallites. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 178 (1-2) 107–119.

N. Mameri, F. Hamdache, N. Abdi, D. Belhocine, H. Grib, H. Lounici, D.L. Piron. Enzymatic saccharification of olive mill solid residue in a membrane reactor. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 178 (1-2) 121–130.

Clàudia Fontàs, Cristina Palet, Victòria Salvadó, Manuela Hidalgo. A hollow fiber supported liquid membrane based on Aliquat 336 as a carrier for rhodium(III) transport and preconcentration. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 178 (1-2) 131–139.

C. Wisniewski, A. Grasmick, A. Leon Cruz. Critical particle size in membrane bioreactors. Case of a denitrifying bacterial suspension. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 178 (1-2) 141–150.

Ravi Ponangi, P.N. Pintauro, D. De Kee. Free volume analysis of organic vapor diffusion in polyurethane membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 178 (1-2) 151–164.

Bernabé L. Rivas, Ignacio Moreno-Villoslada. Prediction of the retention values associated to the ultrafiltration of mixtures of metal ions and high molecular weight water-soluble polymers as a function of the initial ionic strength. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 178 (1-2) 165–170.

T.M. Moustafa, S.S.E.H. Elnashaie. Simultaneous production of styrene and cyclohexane in an integrated membrane reactor. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 178 (1-2) 171–184.

V. Freger, T.C. Arnot, J.A. Howell. Separation of concentrated organic/inorganic salt mixtures by nanofiltration. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 178 (1-2) 185–193.

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