Lomonosov Moscow State University
Chemistry Department
Chemical Kinetics Chair
119899 Moscow, Leninskie Gori 1/3
MSU, Chemistry Department
Room 133, 134 (right)
Tel: 7(095)939-5442
Laboratory on Low Temperature Chemistry was founded in 1974 by initiative of Nobel Prize Winner Academician N.N.Semenov
The Head of the Laboratory - Professor, Lomonosov Prize Winner (1976), Honored Scientist of Russian Federation (1997) Gleb Borisovich Sergeev
Laboratory Staff:
Dr.Shabatina Tatyana Igorevna – Senior Scientist, Laboratory Acting Manager
Dr. Sergeev Boris Michailovich - Senior Scientist
Dr. Zagorskii Vyacheslav Victorovich - Senior Scientist
Dr. Komarov Valerii Sergeevich – Research Chemist
Dr. Morosov Yurii Nikolaevich - Research Chemist
Dr.Soloviev Victor Nikolaevich - Research Chemist
Dr. Kiryuhin Maxim Vladimirovich - Research Chemist
M.Sci.Vlasov Alexei Victorovich - Research Chemist
M.Sci. Bazulin Alexander Feliksovich - Research Chemist
M.Sci. Bochenkov Vladimir Evgenievich - Research Chemist
M.Sci. Timoshenko Vadim Alexandrovich – Jr. Research Chemist
M.Sci. Mikhalev Sergei Pavlovich – Jr. Research Chemist
Gorskaya Elena, Belyaev Anatolii, Lasarev Vladimir, Dibov Alexander, Sineva Dina
Main Research Directions:
· Generation, stabilization and reations of metal atoms, clusters and nanoparticles in inert and active matrices in temperature range 10-300 K
· Reactions in cryostructured and molecular organized systems at low temperatures, including liquid crystals and partially ordered solid states
· Cryoformation of metall-mesogenic and metallpolymer nanostructures and study of their physical and chemical properties
· Size and temperature effects on activity and selectivity of metal nanoparticle’s chemical interactions. Sensor and catalytic properties
· Cryo-condensation of reagent vapors, low temperature UV-, IR-, ESR-spectroscopy, gas chromatography, calorymetry, electrical conductivity measurements
· Molecular modeling in co-operation with the Laboratory on Chemical Cybernetics (Prof.A.V.Nemukhin)
· Electron microscopy in co-operation with the Electron Microscopy Division of Moscow State University
Special courses on Low Temperature Chemistry was founded on the base of the Laboratory on Low Temperature Chemistry, The Head – Professor Gleb B.Sergeev
Prof.Gleb B.Sergeev holds lectures “ The Bases of Cryochemistry” for graduate students, Ph D students and audience of Special courses on Low Temperature Chemistry. The lectures include following parts: basic methods and technique; molecular, radical and chain radical reactions at low temperatures; cryoreactions of atoms, clusters and nanoparticles of metals; spontaneous reactions through complex formation; reactions in frozen solutions and organized media; cryobiochemical reactions; low temperature applications in science and industry.
Three doctors of science, 29 doctors and more than 50 graduates have been prepared in the laboratory.
INTAS 2000-00911, 2 RFFI grants, grant of Russian Federal Programme “Universities of Russia”, grant of Ministry of Science
International Collaboration:
Potsdam University (Germany), University of Southampton (UK), Institute on Low Temperature Physics National Academy of Ukraine ( Kharkov, Ukraine), Armenian Institute for Technical Chemistry (Erevan, Armenia)
Main publications:
1. G.B.Sergeev, V.A.Batyuk “Cryochemistry”, Mir Publ., Moscow, 1986, P.321
2. G.B.Sergeev, V.V.Smirnov “ Molecular halogenation of olefines” , MSU Publ., Moscow, 1985, P.240.
3. V.A.Batyuk, T.I.Shabatina, T.N.Boronina ,G.B.Sergeev. Reactions in Liquid Crystals, Ser. Kinetics and Catalysis, VINITI Publ., Moscow 1990, P.95.
Recent Papers:
1. G.B Sergeev, V.V Zagorsky,. and M.A Petrukhina,.Nanosize Metal Particles in poly-(para)xylylene films obtained by low temperature co-deposition, J.Mater. Chem., 1995,5,31-34.
2. G.B. Sergeev and M.A. Petrukhina Encapsulation of Small Metal Particles in Solid Organic Matrices. Progress in Solid State Chemistry, 1996, v.24, ¹4, 183-211.
3. G.B.Sergeev, M.Yu.Efremov. Size effects in reactions of solid organic compounds with metal particles. –Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 1996, 278, 17-25.
4. T.I.Shabatina, E.V. Vovk, T.V.Khasanova, G.N.Andreev, G.B.Sergeev. Spectroscopic investigation of molecular aggregation in thin condensate films of polar liquid crystals. Supramolecular Science, 1997, 4, 485-489.
5. G.V Bushueva, V.V Zagorsky, G.M Zinenkova, M.A Petrukhina, O.P.Revokatov,. and G.B.Sergeev, TEM investigation of poly-para-xylylene metal containing films, Bull. of the Russian Acad. .of Science, Ser. Phys., 1997, 61, 1871.
6. V.Solov'ev, G.Sergeev, A.Nemukhin, T.Burt, I.Topol'. IR-matrix isolation and ab initio identification of products of the reactions of CH3Cl and CH3Br with magnesium.-J.Phys.Chem.,A, 1997, v.101 (46), 8625-8630.
7. W.E.Klotzbuecher, M.A.Petrukhina, G.B.Sergeev. Holmium atoms and small clusters in inert matrices.-J.Phys.Chem.A, 1997, 101, 4548-4554.
8. G.B.Sergeev, V.V Zagorsky, M.A Petrukhina, S.A.Zav'yalov, E.I.Grigor'ev, L.I.Trakhtenberg. Preliminary study of the interaction of metal nanoparticle-containing poly-para-xylylene films with ammonia.- Analyt. Commun., 1997, 34, 113
9. G.B.Sergeev. Reactions in solid low temperature co-condensates. –Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 1998, 313, 155-166.
10. N.V.Ozhegova, A.V.Nemukhin, T.I.Shabatina, G.B.Sergeev. Modeling structure and spectra of silver complexes in condensate films of polar liquid crystals. Mendeleev Commun., 1998, N6, 218.
11. A.Yu.Ermilov, A.V.Nemukhin, G.B.Sergeev.Structure of mixed metal clusters.- Bull. of the Russian Acad. of Science, Ser. Phys., 1998, 62, 1169.
12. B.M.Sergeev, G.B.Sergeev, A.N.Prusov.- Cryochemical synthesis of bimetallic nanoparticles in silver-lead-methylacrylate system.-Mendeleev Commun., 1998, p.1.
13. V.V.Zagorskii, V.E.Botchenkov, S.V.Ivashko, G.B.Sergeev.-Cryochemical Synthesis and Physical-chemical properties of nano-dispersed metallopolymers. Nanostructured Materials, 1999, 12, 863.
14. V.N.Solov'ev, E.V.Polykarpov, A.V. Nemukhin, G.B.Sergeev. Matrix isolation and ab initio study of the reactions of magnesium atoms and clusters with CO2, C2H4, CO2/C2H4 mixtures: formation of cyclic complexes. - J.Phys.Chem.A, 1999, 103 (34), 6721-6725.
15. G.B.Sergeev, B.M.Sergeev, T.I.Shabatina, A.V.Nemukhin, V.V.Zagorskii, Cryosynthesis and properties of meal-organic nanomaterials.- Nanostructured Materials, 1999,12, 1113.
16. T.I. Shabatina, E.V. Vovk, N.V.Ozhegova, Yu.N.Morozov, A.V. Nemukhin, G.B. Sergeev. Synthesis and properties of metal-mesogenic nanostructures. Material Science and Engineering, 1999, v.8, N9, 53-56.
17. B.M.Sergeev, V.A.Kasaikin, E.V.Litmanovich, G.B.Sergeev. Cryochemical Synthesis and Properties of silver nanoparticle dispersions stabilised by poly-(2-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate).- Mendeleev Commun., 1999, N4, p.130-132.
18. V.V. Zagorsky, V.E. Bochenkov, S.V. Ivashko, G.B. Sergeev. Electric conductivity of organic films, containing nanosize metal particles. Material Science and Engineering,1999, v.8, N9, 329-334.
19. G.B.Sergeev, T.I.Shabatina, V.N.Solov'ev, V.V.Zagorskii.Spectroscopic study of low temperature interactions in metal-organic so-condensates// Spectrochimica Acta, 2000,V56 N13 p. 2527-2537
20. T.I.Shabatina, V.V.Vlasov, E.V.Vovk, D.J.Stufkens, G.B.Sergeev. Spectroscopic study of low temperature interactions in Sm-mesogenic cyanophenyl co-condensates // Spectrochimica Acta, 2000, V.56, N13, p. 2539-2543
21. Sergeev G.B. Nanochemistry of metals, Russian Chemical Reviews, 2001.v. 70 (10),p.808.;
22. Sergeev G.B., Shabatina T.I., Solov'ev V.N., Zagorskii V.V.Reactions of Solid Organic Compounds with Metal Species, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 2001, v.356, p.111;
23. Sergeev B.M., Sergeev G.B., Kasaikin V.A., Litmanovich E.A.,Prusov A.N. Low-Temperature Synthesis and Properties of Silver NanoparticlesStabilised by Acrylic Polymers, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 2001, v.356,p.121;
24. Shabatina T.I., Vovk E.V., Morosov Yu.N., Timoshenko V.A., Sergeev G.B. Spectroscopic Study of Silver-Containing MesogenicCyanobiphenyls in Solid Phase, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 2001, v.356, p. 143;
25. Shabatina T.I., Vovk E.V., Morosov Yu.N., Timoshenko V.A., Sergeev G.B. Thermal behavior of silver-containing mesogenic cyanobiphenyl films. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering aspects, 2002, pp.255-259,
26. Botchenkov V.E., Stephan N.,.Brehmer L,.Zagorskii V.V, Sergeev G.B. Sensor activity of thin polymer containing lead nanoparticles. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering aspects, 2002, pp.911-915.
32. Sergeev G.B., Shabatina T.I. Low temperature surface chemistry and nanostructures. Surface Science, 2002, 500, 628-655.
Main results: