E. M. Basova, V. M. Ivanov, O. C. Apendeeva
Spectrophotometric determination
thiocyanate ions in formation waters
Spectrophotometrically studied complex
formation [FeSCN]2+ in hydrochloride and sulfate solution by
utilizing as reagent ferrous (III) sulfate solution and ferric alum method of
determination 10–200 mcg SCN–in 25 ml in aqueous medium with
hydrochloric acid to ferric alums with a detection limit of 2.6 mcg (P = 0,99,
n = 9). Methodology used for the analysis of water samples from model
macrocomponental and micro component composition close composition of water
Arngolskoye license area. The method of additives held operational control
performance metric. The method allows analysis of formation water containing
from 1 to 90 mcg / l thiocyanate.
Key words: thiocyanate, complex with
Fe(III), spectrophotometry , formation waters.
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002