M. Yu. Nemilova, N. V. Shvedene, K. V. Puchnin, E. A. Shokova, V. V. Kovalev
Ionselective electrodes based
on adamantylthiacalix[4]arenes for alkali cations determination
The possibility of the using of three derivatives
p-R-thiacalix[4]arene: tetraethyl ester of p-(1-adamantyl)thiacalix[4]arenes acid (I) and asymmetric p-tert-buthylcalix[4]-p-R-thiacalix[4]are-ne
- “molecular tubes”- [R=tert-Bu(II), 1-adamantyl(III)] as the ionophores in
PVC-membrane ISEs
for the determination of Na+, K+ and Rb+ ions
was studied. It was found, that electrode based on thiacalix[4]arene (I)
exhibited a high selectivity toward Na+ ion, and electrodes with
(II) and (III) demonstrated well potentiometric reasponse of Rb+
ion and Rb+ can be determine in the presens of an excess of
amounts Na+ and K+.
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002