A. V. Levanov, E. E. Antipenko, V. V. Lunin
Chemical reaction kinetics in
the afterglow of electrical discharges in hydrogen-oxygen systems (H2+O2, H2O2, H2O) and in the mixture H2+CO2
The mathematical modeling of chemical reaction kinetics
in the afterglow of electrical discharges in gas mixtures 66,7% H2 + 33,3% O2, 3% H2 + 97% O2, 75% H2 + 25% CO2, and in vapors of H2O2 and H2O has been performed.
The model included 50 chemical reactions for hydrogen-oxygen systems and 82
reactions for H2 + CO2 gas mixture. Also the reactions of heterogeneous loss of active
particles were included in the model. For every system investigated, the
minimal set of significant chemical reactions was constructed, which was
sufficient for adequate description of experimental results. The concentrations
of particles not detected in experiment were estimated. The initial gas-phase
particles were revealed for the synthesis of peroxy-radical condensates in
hydrogen-oxygen systems and formic acid from the mixture H2 + CO2.
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002