In 1868 D.I.Mendeleev urged the Russian Chemical Society to
publish in Russia the first specialized journal of chemistry. In April 1869
it was issued under the name of "The Journal of Russian Chemical Society"
(Now the name is "Mendeleev Chemistry Journal").
Since 1988
the Journal has two main parts: Subject Reviews and
Information Section, the latter describes activities of the
Chemical Society and its members, and its volume is less than
1-2% of the issue.
The Editorial Board follows the conception that the
publication of the Subject Reviews, devoted to the most
essential topics of chemical science and technology, is the main
goal of the Journal. In this case the priority is given to
publications which survey not only a detailed picture of
achievements and dynamics of development of the topics under
consideration, but also draw readers' attention to the topical
problems. Such an approach allows the broad scientific community
to get acquainted with highlights and direction of growth of a
specific field of chemistry, and to do it rather promptly and
to the full capacity. This feature distinguishes the Mendeleev
Chemistry Journal from other periodical publications both in
Russia and all over the world.
You can view the contents of recent issues of the journal: