D.I. Mendeleev A.M.Butlerov

The velocity of chemical reactions
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  1. Influence of concentration of reagents on the velocity of chemical reaction.

    The experiment is based on the reaction:

    H2S2O3 = S + SO2 + H2O

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    Formation of white-yellowish cloud (insoluble sulfur) is observed. Sulfacid is unstable (look at the reaction), that's why it has to be obtained by interaction between sodium thiosulfate and diluted solution of sulfuric acid.

    Na2S2O3 + H2SO4 = H2S2O3 + Na2SO4

    Summary reaction:

    Na2S2O3 + H2SO4 = S + SO2 + H2O + Na2SO4

    How to carry out reaction: Place 20 ml of 2M sulfuric acid in 2 identical glasses. Add 80 ml of water in the first glass to dilute the acid. Simultaneously pour in both glasses (from other 2 glasses or cylinders) 20 ml 2M of sodium thiosulfate.

    What to observe: In which glass the cloud of sulfur is formed faster?

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  2. Influence of a contacting surface of reagents on the velocity of chemical reaction.

    The experiment is based on the reaction:

    Mg + 2H2O = Mg(OH)2 + H2

    What is observed - water solution of phenolphtalein becomes pink as a result of its interaction with magnesium hydroxide.

    How to carry out reaction: Pour 5 ml of water into 2 identical test-tubes and add 1 drop of phenolphthalein in each. Add magnesium filings to the first test-tube, magnesium powder - to the second. If it is necessary (if the powder is old) heat the test-tubes.

    What to observe: In which test tube pink color appears earlier and its intensity increases faster?

  3. Influence of the character of reagents on the velocity of chemical reaction.

    The experiment is based on the reaction of alkaline metals with water:

    M + H2O = MOH + 1/2H2

    What is observed - water solution of phenolphtalein becomes pink as a result of alkaline formation, and liberation of hydrogen bubbles.

    How to carry out reaction: Pour some water in large vessel and add some drops of phenolphthalein solution. Clean a little piece of lithium with filter paper and carefully place it in the water using a pincer. When lithium reacts fully repeat this experiment with sodium, and then with potassium.

    What to observe: In which reaction intensity of liberation of hydrogen is greater?

  4. Influence of temperature on the velocity of chemical reaction

    The experiment is based on the reaction:

    H2S2O3 = S + SO2 + H2O

    Formation of white-yellowish cloud (insoluble sulfur) is observed. Sulfacid is unstable (see the reaction), that's why it has to be obtained by interaction between sodium thiosulfate and diluted solution of sulfuric acid.

    Na2S2O3 + H2SO4 = H2S2O3 + Na2SO4

    Summary reaction:

    Na2S2O3 + H2SO4 = S + SO2 + H2O + Na2SO4

    How to carry out reaction: Pour 20 ml of 2M sulfuric acid in 2 identical glasses . Heat one of the glasses on the hot plate. Simultaneously pour in both glasses (from 2 other glasses or cylinders) 20 ml 2M of sodium thiosulfate.

    What to observe: In which glass the cloud of sulfur is formed faster?

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  5. Catalysis

    The experiment is based on the reaction of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide

    H2O2 = H2O + 1/2O2

    that is accelerated at the presence of MnO2, salts of heavy metals and some enzymes. What is observed - liberation of gas bubbles, in which wooden stick burns brightly.

    How to carry out reaction: Pour 10 ml of 30% H2O2 in high cylinder (100 ml) . Quickly add some of MnO2 powder. Bring in the cylinder smouldering wooden stick.

  6. Catalysis

    The experiment is based on the reaction of catalytic oxidation of ammonia on chrome oxide.

    4NH3 + 5O2 = 4NO + 6H2O

    What is observed - sparks (red-hot particles of chrome oxide are formed due to the exothermal effect of reaction).

    How to carry out reaction: Rinse carefully within big flat-bottomed flask (500 ml) with concentrated solution of ammonia (thus inside we get high concentration of ammonia vapors). Throw in it heated powder of chrome oxide (III) using an iron spoon.

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