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General Information
Registration Fees
Abstract Submission
Russian Visa
Poster Session
Sponsors and Exhibition

III International Conference on Heterocyclic Chemistry,
in Honor of the late Professor A.N. Kost's 95th Anniversary

Moscow, 18 - 21 October 2010


For participants we offer transportation from airports or railway stations to the chosen hotel.



Airport  - Hotel

2100 RUR

Hotel - Airport

2100 RUR

Railway station - Hotel

1800 RUR

Hotel - Railway station

1800 RUR

Transfer includes:

  • Meeting at the airport/railway station with the sign with the Name of the Conference
  • Expectation of the participant for at least 1,5 hours after the arrival of the flight.

Please, take notice, that one transfer is for no more than 3 people with luggage.  

You can make a transfer reservation and make payments with our ONLINE REGISTRATION  system. If you are already registered and received login and password, you need to enter them in "For registered users" section and then proceed to the "Arrival Transfer" or "Departure transfer" page where you can choose category of room. All payments can be made through PAYMENT SECTION.

If you are not registered, you need to pass the ONLINE REGISTRATION and enter your personal information in the form. Upon filling out the registration form you will receive your personal login and password which will further be used to enter your personal webpage where you can make hotel reservation, pay for your participation and make all payments online.

Deadlines and policies

Deadline for booking - 01.10.2010;

Cancellation before 01.10.2010 - no penalty;

Cancellation after 01.10.2010  - 100% penalty;

All the refunds are processed after the Conference with a minus of 10% service fee.

If you have any questions, please contact the Technical Secretariat of the Conference:

Tel / Fax: + 7 (495) 726-5135
Contact: Evgeniya Rashbam
Monomax Congresses and Incentives Co. LLC

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